Post Hoc Notes

Favored method for setting up a Quarto website template.

Reasons: relatively simple and one can easily see what is going on in terms of files generated on the filesystem

  1. Create github repo on GitHub web. Clone it locally.

  2. Within Rstudio > Create a New Project > Quarto Website within the clone as sub-folder but without the git option and using the same name as the repo

  3. Within Rstudio Terminal, inspect Quarto files, then move them up from sub-folder. Delete the sub-folder.

  4. Within Rstudio > Edit .gitignore adding:

  1. Within Rstudio Terminal add some Example #n files, edit index.qmd, about.qmd

  2. Within Rstudio > Edit _quarto.yml to add Example files

  3. Choose a standard HTML theme from list html-themes and edit _quarto.yml appropriately

  4. Check-in files to github

  5. Within Rstudio Terminal run ‘quarto publish gh-pages’

Software versions

Especially as I will use a beta version to look at Dashboards that will be soon supported in a stable release

# at the time of writing the stable release is 1.3.450
# Quarto beta install 
quarto -v 
# python
python3 -V
Python 3.11.5
# R test - a good rational approximation to a math joke
message(paste0("Rough Pie: ", 355/113, "\n",
               " Real Pi : ", pi))
Rough Pie: 3.14159292035398
 Real Pi : 3.14159265358979