

Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

cars example

mtcars |>
  ggplot(aes(x = drat, y = mpg)) + geom_point() + theme_bw()
Figure 1: mpg versus drat

From Figure 1 you can see there is a positive correlation.

baby names

data sample

head(babynames) |> kable()
year sex name n prop
1880 F Mary 7065 0.0723836
1880 F Anna 2604 0.0266790
1880 F Emma 2003 0.0205215
1880 F Elizabeth 1939 0.0198658
1880 F Minnie 1746 0.0178884
1880 F Margaret 1578 0.0161672


get_most_frequent <- function(babynames, select_sex, from = 1950) {
  most_freq <- babynames |>
    filter(sex == select_sex, year > from) |>
    group_by(name) |>
    summarise(average = mean(prop)) |>
    babynames = babynames,
    most_frequent = most_freq,
    sex = select_sex,
    from = from))

plot_top <- function(x, top = 10) {
  topx <- x$most_frequent$name[1:top]
  p <- x$babynames |>
    filter(name %in% topx, sex == x$sex, year > x$from) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = year, y = prop, color = name)) +
    geom_line() +
    scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +

report 1

get_most_frequent(babynames, select_sex = "F") |>
Figure 2: Frequent female names

From Figure 2 we can see…

report 2

get_most_frequent(babynames, select_sex = "M") |>
Figure 3: Frequent male names

report 3

from_year <- 2010
# get most frequent girl names from 2010 onwards
most_freq_girls <- get_most_frequent(babynames, select_sex = "F",
                                     from = from_year)

# plot top girl names
most_freq_girls |>
  plot_top(top = 5)
Figure 4: Frequent female names from 2010

report 4

# get top 30 girl names in a matrix
# with names in rows and years in columns
prop_df <- babynames |> 
  filter(name %in% most_freq_girls$most_frequent$name[1:30] & sex == "F") |>
  filter(year >= from_year) |> 
  select(year, name, prop) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = year,
              values_from = prop)

prop_mat <- as.matrix(prop_df[, 2:ncol(prop_df)])
rownames(prop_mat) <- prop_df$name

# create heatmap
pheatmap(prop_mat, cluster_cols = FALSE, scale = "row")
Figure 5: Frequent female names

report 5

# get most frequent girl names from 2010 onwards
from_year <- 2010
most_freq_girls <- get_most_frequent(babynames, select_sex = "F",
                                     from = from_year)

# plot top 5 girl names
most_freq_girls |>
  plot_top(top = 5)

# plot top 10 girl names
most_freq_girls |>
  plot_top(top = 10)

# get top 30 girl names in a matrix
# with names in rows and years in columns
prop_df <- babynames |> 
  filter(name %in% most_freq_girls$most_frequent$name[1:30] & sex == "F") |>
  filter(year >= from_year) |> 
  select(year, name, prop) |>
  pivot_wider(names_from = year,
              values_from = prop)

prop_mat <- as.matrix(prop_df[, 2:ncol(prop_df)])
rownames(prop_mat) <- prop_df$name

# create heatmap
pheatmap(prop_mat, cluster_cols = FALSE, scale = "row")
(a) Top 5
(b) Top 10
(c) Top 30
Figure 6: Most popular girl names from 2010 onwards

In Figure 6 (a) and Figure 6 (b) the line plots are shown. To view trends of many names at once, Figure 6 (c) displays a heatmap.